Leaders & Teams
Leadership and Team Services:
- Individual Leadership Assessment and Skill Development (using 360, personality, values, conflict style and other assessments)
- Succession Planning Candidate development program
- Intervention Services for the Troubled Executive
- Multi-rater Development Coaching (customized)
- High Performance Team Collaboration and Conflict Resolution
- Mindfulness Coaching for Leaders
Individual Leadership Assessment and Skill Development
Leadership Challenge:
Redirections’ coaches provide the tools and skill practice that enable individual leaders seeking growth to expand their leadership skills. Below are just a few of the leadership challenges facing those we coach:
- a leader who has just taken on additional responsibility and a broader leadership role
- a leader who is dealing with organizational transition and wants the skills to help her meet the challenges of this transition
- a leader who is used to leading for results within his team and is now being asked to produce results for a larger organization
- a leader who is stressed, overwhelmed and having difficulty focusing
- a leader preparing for the next level (Executive Transition)
These are just a few examples of leaders who have hired Redirections to help them be successful. Redirections, Inc. has a track record of helping leaders meet these and other challenges successfully.
Assessment Process:
To enable leaders to meet challenges, we start by assessing the leader to get a baseline of current skills, personality and interests. Assessments commonly used for this step in the process include:
- 360 leadership assessments
- interviews
- personality
- career
- Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP)
Development Process:
- Development program/process developed to specifically address the skills and qualities needed to meet the challenges presented given assessment data
- Reflections on current habits and practice of new skills are included
- Sessions are usually weekly or biweekly (this is determined by coach and leader) and extend across a time frame that allows true change to occur
- Focus on creating incremental and sustainable change
- Preparation to handle difficult challenges that used to overwhelm-confidence, skills and equanimity to focus on what is needed
- More creativity in solutions, impacting customers through better service
- Increased strategic perspective
- Increased employee satisfaction and engagement
Succession Planning Candidate Development Program
Presenting Issue: How to ensure bench strength in the organization (leaders have skills for the next level)
Our Redirections’ coaches have worked with many organizations to develop the skills of those who have been nominated for succession planning programs. On the job training or shadowing of the next level leader is not enough; each individual has a set of skills in their current position which often does not prepare them for the next level. We work with leaders to specifically develop the skills needed for the next position.
Assessment Process:
We start with an assessment process including:
- 360 skill data (customized or off the shelf),
- Interest and values assessment
- personality assessment(s)
This data is then compared to what is needed for the current leadership level and next level of leadership, identifying skill gaps.
Development Process
A customized development program is then developed. The succession planning leader works with our coaches to use various reflections and practices designed to create change:
- skill development
- increased desire to change
- changes in unskillful habits not supporting the leader, etc.
Our approach is unique:
- comprehensive
- customized
- addresses the situation facing the leader
- integrated-addressing skills, habits, emotions, nonverbal behavior and attitudes
- increases the likelihood of sustained change and greater happiness and satisfaction for the leader.
- Leaders who have skills and maturity for the next level
- Greater insight into what type of position the leader is more suited to do
- More satisfied customers
- More engaged employees
- Better business results
Intervention Services for the Troubled Executive
Redirections, Inc. offers Intervention Services for the Troubled Executive. We consistently receive requests to assist with the development of senior executives that are successful in many ways yet are demonstrating some key problems that need to be resolved for continued success. These are people that the company really wants to keep. There is a range of presenting problems.
- Excellent business skills hindered by poor interpersonal skills
- Weak at teaming and cross-functional skills needed to accomplish their mission
Redirections, Inc. coaches use assessments and coaching to help the person learn new skills and increase motivation to change.
Assessment Process:
In the case where the executive is derailing, it is especially helpful to use skill assessments including:
- 360 Leadership Assessment
- Conflict Dynamics Profile
- interviews to understand the context of the situation
It becomes clear through these assessments whether the issue is skill, will, or a combination.
Development Process:
A creative, customized program is then developed to specifically address issues and motivate the desire to change what is blocking success. What is unique about this process is that the development process uniquely targets what might be creating the situation, including working to resolve organizational issues, and ways of helping the person take on change where they were not ready to do so.
- Greater satisfaction for both the executive and the organization
- Decreased employee complaints
- Increased customer satisfaction
- Resolution of organizational issues contributing to the problem
- Better skills for this leader
- More clarity about what created the disconnect to ensure future problems don’t arise
Multi-rater Development Coaching (customized)
Redirections, Inc. features a proprietary Multi-Rater based Executive Development System (EDS). This system has a unique combination of tools and services that drives leadership development and improved business results.
We customize the Multi-Rater instrument to fit your leadership model. Your business is unique and an off the shelf instrument will be a poor fit. Assessing your leaders based on specific qualities and skills needed to be successful in your business is critical. We work with our various 360 vendors to create an assessment that meets your needs.
Team Collaboration and Conflict Resolution
Presenting Issue/Leadership Challenge: Low Performing Team/Increased Conflict
- Research shows that poor performing teams are 30% less productive than high performing teams.
- Teams are often saddled with inadequate resources, inadequate time for team meetings, lack of coordinated work schedules, poor team based reward systems and a lack of real decision making authority.
In contrast, high performing team management practices provide 30-50% greater returns to the company. Creating and sustaining high performing teams may be one of the most powerful ways to leverage your return on your resources.
Our High Performing Team Building process is aimed at all levels of leadership. We have helped collaboration and team performance for call center teams at all levels of leadership, sales teams, marketing teams, IT teams and a variety of other kinds, from supervisor level to the highest level in the organization.
Assessment Process:
We start with an assessment process, including some or all of the following assessments:
- combined 360 leadership data
- interview data to look at group dynamics
- Conflict Dynamics Profile data
Development Process:
This data is then used to create a customized group session that increases skills and creates and implements solutions to address and optimize team dynamics and move the team toward high performance.
Follow up and follow through after the team session is critical to sustaining the group’s changes. Redirections works with the team to ensure changes occur and continue, addressing what blocks execution and providing additional tools that facilitate change.
- Decreased conflict
- Greater compassion and understanding for each other
- More creative solutions generated out of team dynamics and energy
- Increased conflict resolution skills and ability to solve customer problems
- Greater employee satisfaction
Mindfulness Coaching for Leaders
Presenting Issue/Leadership Challenge: High Stress, Lack of Skillful Response in relationships, Lack of Focus, burnout, Lack of passion for Job, On auto-pilot in life and as a leader
- More clarity, compassion, creativity
- Personal tragedy and professional challenge
- Something lost, missing, power of mindfulness
- Auto pilot, check off to do list-not there for it
- Purposeful pause
- Simply make a cup of tea, bring intention back to the sound of the boiling water, warmth of cup in hand, strengthens midns ability to be focused, redirection
- Wisdom gets covered over by distraction
- Innate capacity to reflect, allow inner wisdom to arise
- Make conscious choices, asa a leader-bring it to their lives in a wayt hat works for them
- Ripple effect, dedicated to bringing mindful leadership to people around the world. Small changes turn into the kind of society we need